Mintz Law Firm Blog

Is a Child Able to Bring a Wrongful Death Suit in Colorado?

By Mintz Law Firm | June 16, 2023

If you’re a child who wants to file a wrongful death claim or you know that a child has the closest rights to file this kind of claim, you may wonder what this case will entail. Can a child file for compensation in a wrongful death suit in Colorado? Who else might have the right…

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How Not Wearing a Helmet Impacts a Colorado Motorcycle Accident Claim

By mintzdev | May 15, 2023

Motorcycle accidents can result in severe injuries and steep medical bills, meaning they are often stressful and confusing for anyone involved. But when another individual is responsible for your injuries, that person usually has some level of liability for your medical bills and other expenses they’ve caused you to suffer. However, is there a significant…

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7 Reasons You Need an Attorney for a Bicycle Accident Claim

By mintzdev | May 15, 2023

Imagine heading home from work on your bicycle, following the posted traffic signs and laws. Practicing traveling with caution can significantly improve your safety, avoiding many injuries you could otherwise face. However, others choosing to drive and travel carelessly can result in harm or injuries that aren’t your fault. If you face damages and expenses…

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Survival Action vs. Wrongful Death in Colorado

By mintzdev | May 15, 2023

When families lose a loved one due to the actions or negligence of another person, they may have the option to file either a survival action or a wrongful death lawsuit in Colorado. While both legal actions provide a means of seeking compensation for your losses, there are significant differences between the two. It is…

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What Constitutes a Wrongful Death in Colorado?

By mintzdev | May 15, 2023

The loss of life of a loved one can be overwhelming in most circumstances, but if you suspect another person is responsible for the death, this can bring on an additional onslaught of feelings. We sympathize with the complexity of these circumstances and what you might be feeling, especially if you want to find a…

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Are Drivers Always Liable When Hitting a Pedestrian?

By mintzdev | May 11, 2023

When a driver hits a pedestrian, the assumption is often that the driver is at fault. However, in Colorado, this is not always the case. Liability for the accident is apportioned based on the degree of fault of each party involved, and pedestrians also have a duty to use reasonable care for their own safety.…

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Why Dog Bites Are More Serious Than You May Think

By mintzdev | April 20, 2023

While it’s challenging to think of dogs as dangerous, dog bites are more serious than many people realize. They can cause physical, emotional, and legal consequences, and it’s important to take them seriously. By understanding why dogs may bite and taking steps to prevent it from happening, we can ensure that both people and dogs…

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How Does Vicarious Liability Apply in Truck Accident Claims?

By mintzdev | April 19, 2023

As drivers, we understand the general theory that accidents can happen at any time. However, when we do our best to be safe, and someone else’s reckless or careless actions turn our day upside down, it’s understandable to feel frustrated, traumatized, and angry. Truck accidents can be devastating, often resulting in serious injuries, property damage,…

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What Options Are There to Help Pay Medical Bills While Waiting for a Claim to Resolve?

By mintzdev | April 13, 2023

If you are in the middle of a medical claim and need assistance managing bills until you receive some kind of settlement compensation, you may not know what steps to take. After all, no one expects to receive serious medical injuries, and you may not feel financially prepared to handle these bills. When another person…

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Who Is Liable for a Dog Bite From a Stray Dog?

By mintzdev | April 11, 2023

In many densely-populated cities, stray dogs are relatively common. When a dog does not live in a home with their owners or if the dog was never in the care of someone, to begin with, it is then considered a stray. However, if an animal is not immediately attached to an owner, is it possible…

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