Hit by a Delivery Truck During the Holidays: How to Recover Fair Compensation

As the holiday season approaches, the influx of delivery trucks on the roads significantly increases, elevating the risk of traffic incidents. Being hit by a delivery truck can be a particularly harrowing experience, leaving you feeling vulnerable and uncertain about your future. A personal injury lawyer at Mintz Law Firm is dedicated to guiding you through this process, ensuring your rights are protected and you receive the compensation you deserve.
In these complex situations, it’s crucial to understand your rights and the steps necessary for recovering fair compensation. After suffering severe injuries from a delivery truck accident, navigating the legal landscape to secure fair compensation requires a thorough understanding of liability, insurance policies, and the unique challenges posed by commercial vehicle accidents.
How is Fault Determined in Delivery Truck Accidents in Colorado?
Determining liability may appear simple when looking at the basic requirements, but qualifying all four essential elements can be difficult without adequate assistance. The legal system determines fault and liability based on the following four factors:
- Duty of care: The duty of care is something that all drivers owe to each other. Truck drivers, as they often drive for an employer, owe additional duty of care as they represent a larger company. Duty of care includes following safety protocol for loading and unloading, traffic laws, and posted signs.
- Negligence: When acting negligently, someone breaks the owed duty of care they have for another person. If a truck driver crashes into another person and causes severe injuries because they failed to follow the duty of care, they or the company they represent are likely liable for damages.
- Injuries: You must have suffered severe harm to file a personal injury claim for your truck accident. Often, you can prove your injuries are connected to the incident by presenting a medical bill timestamped shortly after it.
- Economic loss: To receive compensation as the victim of a truck accident, you must suffer damages linked to objective financial loss. Economic losses include property damage, loss of wages, medical bills, and other damages with a monetary value. You can also receive compensation for non-economic losses, but only if you also suffer economic damages.
If you need help proving liability in your delivery truck accident claim, we recommend you work with a qualified personal injury attorney. Mintz Law Firm can support you in negotiating and explaining different circumstances to the essential personnel involved in your case.
How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help in Your Delivery Truck Accident Case?
If you have been in a delivery truck accident, working with a Colorado personal injury lawyer will help you receive the compensation you deserve. Regardless of your circumstances, retaining legal support whenever possible can make a substantial difference in the outcome of your case. An attorney from Mintz Law Firm can help with your delivery truck accident case in the following ways:
- Navigating insurance claims
- Dealing with large trucking companies
- Negotiating fair settlements
- Preparing for and proceeding with a lawsuit, if necessary
- Speaking on your behalf
- Completing and filing paperwork
- Collecting and analyzing evidence
- Joining or leading investigations
- Referring you to medical specialists
- Reducing your stress
Please refrain from representing yourself during legal matters, as this can quickly lead to suboptimal results. Retaining a personal injury attorney makes you more likely to receive fair compensation, face shorter litigation, experience less stress, and achieve other positive outcomes.
Recover Fair Compensation After Your Delivery Truck Accident: Mintz Law Firm Can Help You Get Outstanding Results
At Mintz Law Firm, our Colorado personal injury attorneys are dedicated to championing the rights of those injured in various accidents. We prioritize a client-centered approach and we focus on getting you the help and compensation you deserve following your truck accident.
Our team of personal injury lawyers emphasizes treating clients as individuals, not just case numbers, and ensuring honest, transparent communication throughout the legal process. To connect with Mintz Law Firm, call (303) 462-2999 or complete our contact form for dedicated assistance in your case.