When Can Governmental Employees Be Sued for Causing Accidents?

Incidents that result in serious injuries are unfortunately common, but victims and survivors should never be forced to suffer the costs of these situations alone. Luckily, when others are responsible for your injuries somehow, the legal system allows you to take action against the liable parties. For example, there are instances where a car accident happens because the roads are left in poor condition and unkempt by the government. But can you sue the government or its employees in this case?
In some situations, if you can prove its liability in your case, you can file a claim against the city or state government for your injuries and losses. However, proving responsibility can be difficult if you work on the case alone. However, working with a qualified attorney specializing in personal injury law, like one from Mintz Law Firm, can significantly help your case. Our team has a long history of bringing legal success and fair compensation to victims and survivors in need.
Can You Sue the State or City Government for Your Accident?
Government employees often receive immunity from lawsuits, but they can still be held liable in certain situations that result from breaches of safety. If you are injured in an accident because of negligence on the government’s side, you may be able to receive compensation for your losses. Unfortunately, the claims process may differ from other personal injury lawsuits, making legal support even more essential.
Suppose you suspect the government is somehow responsible for dangerous conditions in a public building or facility, including on public highways or roads. In that case, you may be able to take legal action. For assistance receiving compensation from those liable, retain support from a premise liability attorney at Mintz Law Firm. Our team has the tools and resources to move your case through the legal system quickly and effectively.
How Can a Lawyer Help With Your Government Liability Case?
A Mintz Law Firm lawyer can help you quickly navigate your premises liability case, communicate with insurance companies, level the playing field against other parties, and complete and file complex paperwork.
Working with a premise liability lawyer can reduce stress related to your case, but it can also be essential if you want to avoid less-than-ideal results. Self-representation can quickly result in you receiving unfair compensation for your losses. However, a premise liability lawyer from Mintz Law Firm can help you increase or maximize the payments you are entitled to receive by representing you fairly.
We encourage you to contact us as soon as possible to retain our support and services, as this will help ensure sufficient time is dedicated to your case. This will also make it far easier for our team to collect and analyze evidence, understand your needs and circumstances, and build strong arguments in favor of your case.
Get Valuable Help From a Premises Liability Lawyer at Mintz Law Firm
If you believe the government or one of its employees is responsible for your injuries, you can file a claim and hold them accountable. Failing to upkeep public property according to safety standards can be hazardous, and your injuries should not go unchecked. A premises liability lawyer from Mintz Law Firm can help present your case during legal matters so that you can receive the compensation you need to make a recovery.
Please get in touch with us if you have any questions. We can provide answers, clarity, and a free consultation with one of our dedicated and talented premise liability attorneys. You can reach us by calling (303) 462-2999 or filling out the contact form on our website.